A Cord, A Pot, and A Triangle Walk into the New Year
A threefold cord is not easily broken. — Ecclesiastes 4:12
There’s just something about the number three. Maybe because “third time’s a charm,” or the power in God choosing to exist as a Trinity: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Even we humans are a three-in-one package deal — spirit, soul, and body. If you’re into geometry (or even if you’re not), triangles are the strongest shape known to man.
And creation itself?
A trinity of trinities! Space, Time and Matter had to come into play at the same time. Think about it: in the beginning (time), God created the heavens (space) and the earth (matter). Each of these is tripartite again; Space has length, breadth, and height; time unfolds as past, present, and future; matter shows up as solid, liquid, or gas.
Clearly, three is a number that packs a divine punch. It marks the beginning or essence of balance, like the iconic African cooking pot with its three sturdy legs. Without one, the pot tips over, and nobody likes “sand in their garri” — or should I say, “garri in their sand”.
As we approach the end of the year — time for reflection, resolutions, and (hopefully) some faith-filled plans — let’s take a look at the “faith trinity” that makes for stable plans: the past, the present, and the future. Faith spans all three, and it is the synergy of these elements that builds something unshakable.
The past is where faith gets its grounding, it is where the finished works of Christ reside (John 19:30). Everything Christ accomplished — His death, resurrection, and victory — is our starting point. This is the bedrock of our faith; His work has paved the way for our salvation, and His track record proves that God is faithful. David leveraged this when he stood before Goliath. He didn’t see an intimidating giant; he saw another opportunity for God to show up, just like He did with the lion and the bear (1 Samuel 17:37). But here’s the catch: the past isn’t the place to pitch your tent. It’s the foundation, not the destination. Build on it, don’t live in it.
Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen — Hebrews 11:1
Faith is always active in the now. Faith doesn’t just sit still; it moves. The present is where your faith stretches its muscles. It’s the ability to step out on the waters even when the wind and waves are yelling, “Egungun be careful.” In this moment, faith doesn’t rely on the seen; it banks on the unseen. That’s why it’s called faith, not certainty. It’s in the present that we choose to trust God’s Word over our circumstances, declaring, “The Lord is my helper; I will not fear” — Hebrews 13:6.
Here’s where the rubber meets the road. Faith always has its sights on what’s ahead. It’s like a sniper trying to hit a target in a moving train (because time is always flowing); the sniper would not shoot at where the target on the train is now, but where it’s heading and would target a position ahead based on the relative distance between them and relative speeds (of both bullet and train). If the sniper shoots at the target where it is in the present, the sniper will miss. Faith is similar; you don’t base your faith projects on today’s limitations, on the present conditions. You stretch your imagination to align with God’s limitless possibilities.
As you review this year and plan for the next, remember the trifold strength of faith: the foundation of Christ’s finished works, the confidence to act in the now, and the boldness to envision what’s to come. Look back at God’s faithfulness, act in the present with courage, and dream big for the future. Because when your faith spans all three dimensions, you’ll be standing firm — just like that African pot.
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Push Buttons is a weekly devotional of The Powerpoint Tribe.