Diaries from Under the Bus.

The Powerpoint Tribe
5 min readFeb 12, 2024


Be not deceived my friends, this year 2024, evil communications will corrupt good manners. And bad manners will take people out of Eden.

Adam and Eve had the most golden opportunity to maintain the stability of the earth as designed by God and propagate the world with God lovers. But we all know what happened: Mrs. Adam (her name became Eve after the fall), started listening to someone she thought had her best interest at heart. She drew her worst enemy into her inner circle and started dining with him. She was being deceived and didn’t realise it until it was too late.

This year, I prophesy into your life, that you will see clearly! Nothing will be hazy, foggy or cloudy for you. You will discern with the accuracy of The Spirit in Jesus Name.

Then their Father and Friend came in the cool of the day, as usual, to have a chat with them… but the moment they heard Him coming, they hid themselves. He came as a Friend, but they heard a Judge coming!

Our own state, more than anything, is what determines the version of God we interact with. God came in as a Friend, but they only heard Him as a Judge, because they had disobeyed. Your disobedience can cost you fellowship with The Father, not because God no longer wants you around, but because you’d rather hide behind fig leaves that never truly cover than come to the blood that cleanses.

Never let the condemnation of the enemy in your heart rob you of your relationship with The Father. Come to Him in your dirt and He will clean you up.

The first question God asked Adam was “Who told you…?”. Who told you is stronger than what you did… Who you listen to in the year 2024 is probably more important than you do in the year. All your interpretations will come from the doctrine you have been exposed to. You can do the right thing and receive the wrong interpretation from a demonic source… in the same vein, you can fall into an error and receive encouragement, restoration, and hope from the Father of Spirits who has the power to forgive sins.

Adam and his wife had started interacting with evil and their manners were getting badly corrupted (I Corinthians 15:33). They had been deceived to think interactions with evil could be neutral and innocuous. But alas! One chat was enough to bring down the entire empire! One single chat! Wow! How often do we think continued interactions with evil do no harm?

Fast forward to the moment of reckoning. God demands an explanation from the man of the house, but he was quick to throw the “bone of his bone” under the bus! How ironic and savage! That means Adam was perfectly fine with God punishing his wife alone and sparing him. Wow! How selfish he had become. They disobeyed God and now their marriage was in crisis?

God is the insurance for every successful marriage. Whatever affects your relationship with God, will destabilise any other thing in your life and that’s why you must protect your Altar with everything!

Now, here’s the point I’ve been driving at, the whole time… Imagine the kind of household both Adam and Eve would have built after that chastening situation. Do you think Eve didn’t think of cheating on Adam? Except that he was the only available man…so she kinda didn’t have a choice 🤷🏽‍♂️. However, the constant bickering, fighting, arguing, and complaining must have taken its toll on their household.

Photo by Afif Ramdhasuma on Unsplash

Eve: How could you do that to me, Adam? You threw me under the bus, without even blinking…

Adam: But I blinked now, Eve! Moreover, I didn’t do anything, I only stated the obvious. Was it not you that gave me the fruit? Was it not God that gave you to me?

Eve: Oh wow! 👏🏼👏🏼 How honest. You’re just so pathetic! You’re such a selfish loser! What chance do we have that you won’t sell us all out one day?

Adam: To whom? I wish o… 🤣🙊 oya sorry

Eve: You know what?? I’m just wasting my time with a no-good loser like you. *storms out for a smoke*

You have no idea how badly things must have deteriorated from that moment on. Everything else fell with the fall. And guess what? In all of this… little Cain was watching on as his parents quarreled every single day. He was learning how to be selfish and narcissistic! No wonder he killed his brother without “blinking” too.

He was never taught how to love. Brother’s keeper? What example did he have? He was the first murderer in the Bible and didn’t even feel remorse for it. I mean, what does remorse even mean? How do you learn to do what you were never taught? See why God didn’t take it out on him?

You have no idea what you’re capable of doing, you only need sufficient exposure to bad examples. This was how Cain became messed up. Because Adam and Eve’s marriage never recovered from the fall. Meanwhile, it all started with a chat from a sneaky, crafty serpent, who was soft-spoken, endearing, and charming.

Be not deceived my friends, this year 2024, evil communications will corrupt good manners. And bad manners will take people out of Eden.

Bad manners will ruin marriages.

Bad manners will ruin job opportunities.

Bad manners will destroy friendships.

Bad manners will lead to murder.

It all begins with a conversation! But in the same vein, good communication filled with grace for the hearer abounds in the house of God — where people will be furnished with good manners as they interact with God’s Word and receive doses of Faith, Wisdom, Grace, and Power! Where godly friendships are fostered, godly marriages are furnished and businesses of integrity are built.

Do not be deceived: Evil company corrupts good habits. — ‭‭I Corinthians‬ ‭15:33‬ ‭NKJV‬‬

Declare: I am not deceived, good communication edifies good manners!

This year, I pray the Lord will preserve your gates: your eyes, your ears, and your mouth in Jesus Name. You will not interact with evil and your manners will be preserved until the day of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Amen and Amen! God bless your heart.

Have a great week ahead.

– Dami Oguntunde

IG/Twitter(X): @damioguntunde

Push Buttons is a weekly devotional of The Powerpoint Tribe.



The Powerpoint Tribe
The Powerpoint Tribe

Written by The Powerpoint Tribe

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