In certain institutions and governmental jurisdictions, some specific information is tagged “classified’, in effect, the contents of these documents and information are designed as officially secret and accessible only to authorized personnel. In the same vein, there are clear-cut, explicit details about your life, destiny and purpose in God that has been classified before the foundations of the earth and now He wants to declassify these revelations about you to you for the fulfilment of His grand scheme for your life.
Paul wrote to the Church at Ephesus and began to unearth this truth;
Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ, just as He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before Him in love, having predestined us to adoption as sons by Jesus Christ to Himself, according to the good pleasure of His will, to the praise of the glory of His grace, by which He made us accepted in the Beloved. In Him we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of His grace which He made to abound toward us in all wisdom and prudence, having made known to us the mystery of His will, according to His good pleasure which He purposed in Himself — Ephesians 1:3–9
Declassification happens in the heavenly places. Moses was up the mountain interacting with God to the point that the pours of his skin emitted brilliantly the glory of His majesty, you will always look like what you have been looking at, but he had to veil his face to the children of Israel because while he was up in the ‘heavenly places’ they were down in the valley of carnality dancing naked before a golden calf and so the magnificence of the glory could not be transferred to them. Friend, you can’t receive a transfer from God in carnality.
If then you were raised with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ is, sitting at the right hand of God. Set your mind on things above, not on things on the earth. Colossians 3:1- 2
The things about your life, purpose and destiny in God are in the realm above, John couldn’t receive The Revelations of Jesus Christ until he obeyed the instruction, ‘’Come Up higher,’’ the consequence of that is “ …and I will show you things… “(Rev 4:1), the transfiguration didn’t happen down below, it happened on the mountain top, a very high one at that (Matt 17:1), Paul said “I went up by revelation” (Gal 2:2) if you stay on the ground of carnality and idleness, you will have classified information you don’t know anything about. We don’t fellowship with the Word just to feel good; we don’t pray to fulfil a religious obligation, we give allowance to the Spirit of God and do all we do in the kingdom to the end that we become aware of this heavenly realm far above the beggarly elements of this world and here we get declassified information about who we are, what God is doing in this dispensation and what we must accomplish in this world.
‘’Having made known to us the mystery of His will…’’ at a certain point in your journey, God says “now I can trust you with declassified information”-the mystery of His Will. His Will is a mystery, How He uses us is a mystery, His Will is a marvel, His Will is a suspense thriller, it’s an unveiling of that which has been hidden (classified), with His Will comes contentment- a revelation that you have all you need for the present circumstances, with His Will comes a knowing not to compare yourself with other people because what He has Willed for me isn’t what He has Willed for you. The only way you can be truly satisfied in life is when you understand the mystery of His Will.
The mystery of His Will doesn’t always lead you into green pastures in the immediate, how come my visa was denied? Why did that relationship I prayed so much about didn’t work out? Why was the job application denied after passing through the final stage? Why was I raised by a single parent? The mystery of His Will sometimes brings you into three nails and a tree (The Cross) but God is speaking to you today and saying “I won’t get you into anything, I won’t get you out of, I will not leave you in the dark concerning my plan, I will make known to you the mystery of My Will” it is to the praise of the glory of His name.
The secret of the LORD is with those who fear Him,
And He will show them His covenant. Psalms 25:14
When Paul said “he chose us to be holy and without blame before Him in love” he was referencing the fear of God, a man who fears God is without blame and it is to this man He will declassify the things concerning himself.
Some of the mystery of His will is hidden in the gifts He has given unto you, we have been subconsciously trained not to acknowledge what we have, we are used to acknowledging what we don’t have and what other people have. I break that stronghold in Jesus’ name. Right now, write five things God has given you, it could be a good work ethic, a good writer, a good discerner of people, a gift of giving, whatever it is, God wants to take those five things you have written from “I think so’’ “I believe so” to “I know so”
Things are about to switch up! Walk in that which He has declassified to you, take action, use what He has given unto you, you are accountable for what you know. What are you going to do with what Jesus has declassified to you?
Do have a remarkable week ahead.
Micheal D. Olaniyi
Push Buttons is a weekly devotional of The Powerpoint Tribe