A couple of months ago, I came across a concept on social media that I found really interesting. Well, I would say that I didn’t immediately find it interesting, it was more of an “all these social media people have come again” kind of feel. I mean, the way the concept was depicted on social media was kind of funny because why are you moving around your house in slo-mo and doing chores like you have no worries in the world?
I could have easily dismissed these videos but for some reason, I found myself thinking about it. It was while I kept thinking I discovered the parallels that this concept shares with some principles in the scripture. I started to understand why everything about this concept struck a chord in my heart.
In case you’ve been wondering, this concept is called “SLOW LIVING.”
According to Groov, slow living is a movement where people decide to live a more balanced and meaningful life by slowing things down and appreciating both the world around them and what they have. People who choose this lifestyle prioritize slowing things down and enjoying the present moment to the end that they can live a balanced life free from anxiety and the expectations of men.
In a fast-paced world, it’s sometimes almost difficult to maintain sanity and peace of mind. I mean, there are so many things to worry about. What shall we say about the dollar that keeps rising or the fuel price that we cannot comprehend? Shall we begin to talk about the price of food or the increase in house rent?
A lot of people are on the edge and it sometimes seems impossible not to worry, so, in a bid to escape the troubles in this world, people join the slow living movement. Why? Slow living solves the anxiety problem that has plagued a lot of us. However, if we look closely at the scriptures, we already have answers on how to escape anxiety. There is no need to look into the world when we already have answers in the Word. The storm might be raging but it’s possible to stay calm in the midst of it.
Paul was teaching the church in Thessalonica how to live an orderly life and he gave them this instruction.
That you also aspire to lead a quiet life, to mind your own business, and to work with your own hands, as we commanded you (KJV) — 1 Thessalonians 4:11
Brethren, the first step to living a life free of anxiety is by being content and minding your business. Your business is not just your 9–5 or your side hustle. No. It is more than that. Your business is what concerns you. It’s your purpose. Are you minding your purpose or you’re looking at the life of your neighbour and wondering why your life doesn’t look like theirs?
It’s so funny that at first glance the life of others seems so attractive, it seems like your neighbour is doing better than you but what you fail to realize is that you are not your neighbour. You are unique and there is a reason for that uniqueness. You are special and there is a purpose attached to you. So, forget about how the life of this other person looks. Mind your own business and be content with it.
I know someone might ask, are you telling us to settle? No, I’m telling you to be satisfied and trust God’s providence.
Be content with who you are and what you have.
Contentment is not complete without understanding that who and where you are is by the Grace of God. So, be mindful of where you are now, enjoy the moment, give your best in all you do and remember that the God that has brought you thus far isn’t about to stop.
While minding your business though, you must mind the one who gave it to you. This is where Thanksgiving comes in. Thanksgiving takes your eyes off your deficiencies and inadequacies and helps you look at the one who is your source. Even in the most difficult times, we must give thanks. The scripture expressly says in 1 Thessalonians 5:18;
Give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. (KJV)
If God’s word says to give thanks in all circumstances then it’s possible to give thanks in all circumstances. The Word of God is not a respecter of persons or situations, but is true in all things. Focus on your business and then give thanks unto God. Let thanksgiving be a major part of your everyday life.
Let’s consider Psalm 68:19;
Blessed be the Lord who daily loadeth us with benefits, even the God of our salvation
Wow!!! Did you see that? He loads us daily with benefits, everyday benefit dey. I rejoice at that Word and I think you should rejoice too. This scripture alone is enough for you to throw anxiety out of the window. Anxiety where? See, that business might not be doing well now and you might have no idea what the next step of your life is but as long as you have made a decision to focus on the business God has given you and give him thanks for it, He will begin to open your eyes to the benefits. I tell you again, every day, benefit dey.
Look, don’t let the devil cheat you of peace. Declutter your mind from all the things that aren’t working and focus on the benefits of today. The people who practice slow living know that it is possible to enjoy the present moment and derive joy from simple things. How much more we, who are being loaded with benefits every day?
Let’s take a quick pause and just give thanks for the benefits we enjoy.
Psalm 103:2–5 already lists some of the benefits for us;
Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all His benefits: Who forgives all your iniquities, Who heals all your diseases, Who redeems your life from destruction, Who crowns you with lovingkindness and tender mercies, Who satisfies your mouth with good things, So that your youth is renewed like the eagle’s. (NKJV)
So when you consider your business and see how much benefit God has loaded you with, where does anxiety want to come from? I hope that from the lens of God’s Word, you are able to jump on the “slow living” bandwagon. Enjoy the present provisions of God and give Him thanks for the more that is to come.
This week and for the rest of your life — Mind your business and give thanks to the one who gave you that business.
Have a great week
Eniola Akingbemila
IG: @the_eniola_
Push Buttons is a weekly devotional of The Powerpoint Tribe.